How to Become a Customer-Centric Business!

In this fast paced business dynamics of today consumers are very important even more now that business has entered virtuoso performance, and competition can be a far click away.

For this reason most successful businesses have started to operate with an ever greater focus on the customer than on the competition.

Here are some consumer-centric definitions from the biggest businessmen of the time:

“Customer service should not be just a department; it should be the whole company” Tony Heisen (CEO ZAPPOS)

“Your happiest customers are your greatest source of learning” -Bill Gates (Microsoft)

“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they can tell each of the six friends. If you make customers unhappy online, they can show 6,000 “- Jeff Bezos (Amazon)

“Forget about your competition, just focus on your customers” – Jack Ma (Alibaba)

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